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Trigonometry Calculator: A New Era for the Science of Triangles

Mathematics is definitely among the top fears of students across the globe. Although the educational system presents numerous opportunities for students to enjoy developing new skills, excelling at sports, and practicing public speaking, it seems that nothing is working when it comes to mathematics.

Why is that, you may ask? Well, it depends.

First, our educational system is lacking in terms of intuitive and interactive learning.

How do you expect the students to enjoy studying a particular subject if they don't even like the sessions?

Although there are some exceptions, most math teachers don't (or maybe can't) offer active lessons. Students, especially nowadays, prefer interaction, not passive learning. But who's to blame here, really? Teachers are that way because their teachers were that way, and the same goes for those, in a continuous loop of flaws that govern the system.

On the other hand, students don't appreciate math enough to give it their best. There's always the question "When am I ever going to use this in real life?", especially when it comes to specific math branches such as algebra and trigonometry.

Little do they know that a deeper understanding of mathematics as a subject can help them have a better understanding of your environment and the world around us. Math is the primary factor responsible for ameliorating your critical thinking and improving your problem-solving skills in your adulthood.

As a general rule of thumb, people who think mathematically are much faster thinkers than others who take a creative or artistic approach whenever they need to solve a problem.

While math lovers are more realistic and thoughtful, art lovers tend to live the moment and forget about the future and what it has to offer.

What is Trigonometry?

Trigonometry is the study of the properties of triangles, mainly the relationship between the angles and the length of the different sides.

Triangles are probably one of the most basic geometrical figures. Despite that, trigonometry has unveiled numerous applications with many practical, real-life uses, including, but not limited to, estimating bearings and accurate distances.

To validate calculations and perform operations, three fundamental functions are used in trigonometry: cosine, sine, and tangent. Basically, if you know the measurements of two sides or angles, you can easily determine the measures of the rest.

When you say trigonometry, you say Pythagorean theorem; a formula that's used to calculate the length of the different sides of a triangle.

In a triangle, the hypotenuse refers to the longest side, which faces the right angle. The remaining sides are known as the perpendicular and the base.

The Pythagorean theorem can be resumed in H²= B²+P², where H refers to the hypotenuse, B to the base, and P to the perpendicular (duh!).

Many formulas or identities can be derived from the theorem, which we will detail below.

If you have a hard time wrapping your head around those concepts, don't worry, as our trig calculator can help you make these calculations a lot faster and easier.

Pythagorean Identities in Trigonometry

All trigonometric derivations and values are based on the Pythagorean Identities. While they may seem hard to memorize and understand, they're actually quite the opposite, as you only need to practice them in a few questions to get the gist of them. Once you do that, applying these identities in different problems will become a piece of the pie.

There are 6 fundamental identities that you must learn for you to master trigonometry. These identities can prove useful in a handful of situations, be it inside or outside the school, and they are:

  1. sin²+cos²= 1² (note that 1 squared = 1)
  2. tan² + 1² = sec²
  3. cot² + 1² = cosec²
  4. tan = sin/cos = 1/cot
  5. sin = tan/ sec = 1/ cosec if you put it simply it implies that sin equals divided cosec
  6. cosec = 1/sec = cot/cosec

As with any other subject, it's all about practice, so make sure to spend even as little as 30 minutes every day solving trigonometry problems if you want to master this subject. If you find an obstacle that you can't bypass on your own, try our trigonometry calculator online to practice and familiarize yourself with the calculations.

Why Should You Learn Trigonometry?

Despite the widespread belief that math rules can only be used in school and during exams, mathematics, specifically trigonometry, has various real-life applications in nearly any industry such as business development, physics, design, etc.

Having a hard time believing that? Here's a couple of the non-math related career paths in which you can find a great use for your trigonometrical skills.

Music and Trigonometry

As weird as that may seem, music is actually related to math. But, how?

To put it simply, sound travels in waves that resemble the graphical representation of the cosine and sine functions. In other words, what you hear every day while you're going to school is nothing but a mere real-life representation of these trigonometric functions. I mean, how cool is that?

Using a trigonometry calculator sin cos tan allows engineers and producers to manipulate sound by altering sound wave patterns for different variables such as treble, volume, and base to get tunes that appeal to the listeners.

You're probably familiar with T-pain and autotune. The well-known American rapper and singer reported that he has STUDIED autotune for a couple years before starting to use it in his music.

Video Games and Trigonometry

Take a look at games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Far Cry, and God of War, and you'll notice that they're becoming more realistic with every release. The shadows, motion effects, graphics rendering, and all other elements of the game have never been better.

Why are we witnessing such amelioration? Because the developers are giving their best to improve physics engines, graphic, software, and programming by focusing on the properties of trigonometry. Mind blowing, huh?

In other words, if you're into game development and want to get a career within that field, it's time to start practicing math and trigonometry.

Space and Trigonometry

Have you ever watched a rocket launch? No? Then go check them out on YouTube, they're astonishing.

Trigonometry is of the utmost importance when it comes to sending equipment, such as rockets and satellites, to outer space, as such operations require precise calculations of speed and bearings. The slightest miscalculation in this field can yield catastrophic results and failures, and even the loss of human lives, so there's no room for mistakes.

So, if working alongside Elon Musk is a fantasy of yours, you better start practicing some trigonometry.

Digital Imaging and Trigonometry

We live in a digital world, where everything is governed by creative visuals, and when it comes to those, no one can deny the importance of trigonometry.

Digital imaging is what's behind computers and visuals, and it's all about measurements, calculations , and geometric patterns that determine how every pixel is displayed on your screen.

In other words, if you want to dive into the world of digital imaging and creativity in the years to come, you can't ignore math and trigonometry.

Modern Architecture and Trigonometry

Every structure, curve, and calculation in modern architecture is precisely determined using different mathematical formulas, including trigonometric ones. Do you think those skyscrapers in Dubai got to the clouds on their own? No, you silly. They're the result of countless hours of calculations and measurements.

Interior Design and Trigonometry

Just like architecture, interior design is also ruled by mathematical and trigonometric formulas that determine what fits where and whatnot to deliver a harmonic design all over the place.

So, there they are, some career paths that are governed by trigonometry despite not being directly related to mathematics. If you want a job in any of the mentioned fields, you have no choice but to give your best and study for your math classes.

How to Learn Trigonometry?

As hard as it may seem, learning trigonometry can actually be fun. All you need is a bit of determination and dedication, and you're already ahead of 99% of students.

If you want to learn trigonometry the right way, you can follow this simple blueprint to success:

1.   Start With Simple Concepts

From the tiny acorn, grows the mighty oak, and from simple concepts, grow the bigger theorems. Start your journey towards trigonometry mastery by studying and practicing simple concepts to familiarize yourself with the basics. These include the six major identities mentioned above and their simple applications, along with the Pythagorean theorem and its uses.

2. Practice Deriving

Once you get the gist of the basics, you need to start practicing derivation. That way, you won't have to memorize every single identity or formula, as you'll be able to derive them on your own. Do that repeatedly, and derivation and identities will become second nature in no time.

Practice Different Types of Problems

Once you master derivation, you need to go further by moving to more complicated problems. That way, not only will you be able to memorize formulas, but you'll understand how to pass from one concept to the other and how to employ each one of them without breaking a sweat.

3.Keep Practicing

Do you know how to perform addition and subtraction? Of course, you do. You've been doing it your whole life. So, if you want trigonometry to become second nature as well, you need to practice it continuously a following a preside studying plan. We highly recommend distributing your practice over the whole week rather than cramming several hours of studying into one day. That way, you'll avoid boredom and get a higher studying frequency at the same time.

4. Organize Study Groups

When you're in a group, you always try to give your best to avoid showing up as the weakest, which makes study groups an excellent way to give your best while practicing trigonometry. Besides, you'll get great value out of the verbal interchange during the session.

5.if You Need Help, Don't Hesitate to Ask

If you get stuck while you're trying to solve a specific problem, do not hesitate to ask your teacher or instructor for help. If they're not available, you can visit our trigon calculator as it can show you the step-by-step process that leads to every result.

Why Use the online trigonometry calculator?

There are many reasons as to why you should use our trigonometry graphing calculator. For starters, it's extremely easy to use, and you don't have to spend hours trying to figure out what every button does, which is the case when using a standard scientific or graphing calculator.

We highly recommend using Mathway's trigonometry triangle calculator if:

  • You are looking for a trigonometry calculator app

We get it. You don't want to use a graphing calculator because they're a bit of a burden to keep carrying around. After all, why would you do so if you can simply use an app on your phone?

The problem with apps though is that they take up space on your smartphone or tablet and they can make your device a bit laggy. If you'd rather stay away from such issues, you can simply use our online tool, which is considered as the best calculator for trigonometry. Why? Because it's compatible with any electronic device, making it superior to apps that you have to download and install. With our triangle trigonometry calculator, solving your math problems is just a few clicks away.

Also – It's basically an online trig calculator app.

  • You need a trigonometry calculator with steps

Are you stuck and couldn't find a way to solve that homework your teacher gave you? Can't find a tutor to show you the way? No problem, just sign up with Mathway and let the right triangle trigonometry calculator show you how to solve any problem step by step.

Not only can SolveMathPorblems' solve any problem you through at it, but it can also show you the steps that led to the result. That way, you can identify your mistakes and fix them so that you can improve and push your trigonometry skills to the next level.

Remember, don't check the result until you try solving the problem and answering your questions yourself. Otherwise, you're only cheating yourself. Math isn't about fooling the teacher into believing that you did a great job, it's about unveiling your mistakes and working on your flaws. That's why we've got this trig calc.

  • You need a trigonometry simplify calculator

Who said math is hard? Mathematics isn't actually about complicating things; it's about simplifying complicated problems and breaking them down into small chunks that you can solve one step at a time. Knowing that what applies to math, in general, goes for trigonometry as well, you'll be content to hear that our trigonometry online calculator can simplify complex problems and solve them through the easiest of ways, thus teaching you the logical process behind every solution.

  • You don't have a scientific calculator for trigonometry

One can find himself without a scientific calculator for a variety of reasons

Why Is the Trigonometry Calculator Online?

Being an online app, not only can our Trigonometry calculator work on any device without any downloading or installation, but it can also be used anywhere, anytime. That way, you can practice problem-solving whenever you feel like it without carrying a bulky scientific calculator with you everywhere you go.

Why Is the Trigonometry Calculator Free?

There are only a few things in this world that any one of us can consider to be priceless. Knowledge is most definitely one of them. Today, students across the globe, especially in scientific fields, are in need of aid in getting a good grasp of the essential and basic skills and tools that are required for their studies.

So when it comes to anything related to math and trigonometry, we'd like to offer as much assistance as we can. In the matter that we have at hand, we think that by providing this trig calculator (with its usage guide) to all the students around the world, we'll be able to do the least we can in our quest for bringing knowledge to everyone in the most suitable way. And, by the way, we're giving away this trig calculator online for free.

Hopefully, your search for a free trigonometry calculator will come to an end with what we have to offer. Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy learning with our free service.

What Can a Trigonometry Calculator Do?

Basically, a whole lot of things. Some might come in with the assumption that because it is an internet service that it cannot deliver on the same level of versatility that a regular calculator does. But that would be wrong. This online trig calculator with steps can provide multiple utilities that would satisfy all your mathematical necessities, regardless of your level. Our app can work as a:

  • Analytic trigonometry calculator
  • Right angle trigonometry calculator
  • Trigonometry solutions calculator
  • Trigonometry graph calculator
  • Trigonometry equation calculator
  • Trigonometry formulas calculator
  • Spherical trigonometry calculator

It's not just a good trig calculator; it's the best trigonometry calculator.

Trigonometry Calculator: Symbols

If you go on and take a look at what the interface of our calculator has to offer, you'll come to find that it encompasses a large number of symbols. Now you can see some of them in any standard calculator, but some others are specific only to our calculator.

You'll find symbols such as the division sign, rectangular pyramid, cylinder, trapezoid, triangle, equal to or less than, square roots, exponents, fractions, absolute value, and parenthesis among other things. Because of that, we're confident enough to say that this calculator isn't only the best trigonometry value calculator, but also the best inverse trigonometry calculator.

The versatility that this calculator brings makes it perfect for everything from college work, homework, testing and answer verification. So let's say you've got some time to spare, you can take your Smartphone out of your pocket, go to the website and hone your trigonometry skills through problem-solving. Even if you don't have any problems at your disposal, you can choose from our pre-existing list of examples.

Using a Calculator for Trigonometry

If you go around searching for a guideline for using a calculator for trigonometry, you probably won't have any luck in finding anything useful. We'll try sparing you the useless search for such a thing on the internet and give you a simple explanation of how to use the calculator so you can jump right to doing your homework. Here's how it's done:

  1. Type in your problem either through the provided symbols or by utilizing the existing examples
  2. When you click on the show button, the expression that you've written will be displayed in the conventional mathematical form. The "?" button is available for you to click on if you find yourself struggling with a particular issue.
  3. The calculator is automatically set to detect the type of problem you're dealing with through the input that you've given it. But in the case of it choosing an unsuitable choice, you can always correct it manually.
  4. Tap "answer" and wait for the app do its calculations
  5. Once the answer is displayed, you can compare it to the solution that you came up with.

If you happen to have made a mistake, make a note of it and practice on avoiding it in the future. If you feel like you need to see the detailed steps, all you have to do is sign up for Mathway.

So, Who Made This Trigonometry Calculator?

The brilliant work that's been done to bring this magnificent app to life comes all from the minds of the people at Mathway. It's only here on our website to make it easy for everyone around the world to have access to it. If you're interested in getting the full potential of this app, you'll have to sign up. But don't let that deter you; it's actually pretty simple and quick. Just make sure to have your parents' approval if you're underage.


This is the app you need in your arsenal if you're looking to push yourself and improve your skills in problem-solving. It's a free and useful calculator that has all the stuff that you'll need to solve any trigonometry problem. From sine and cosine to the fundamental Pythagorean theorem, this is the tool that you'll want to have by your side, or, more accurately, in your pocket.

Trigonometry, which studies the measure of triangles, takes algebra to the next level. Its most well-known features include the Pythagorean Theorem and the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios. Our trig calculator can help you check problems that involve these relationships as well as many others. Simply enter your problem into this advanced calculator to see if you worked it correctly.

Note: Mathway is available to assist you by showing you step by step how to work each problem you put into the calculator. If you cannot find your mistake, this is definitely the tool for you. Simply click View Steps in the answer screen to sign up.[/note]

Not only can this advanced calculator check answers but it can also provide additional practice problems to help hone your skills in preparation for tests and quizzes. To use this feature, find the type of problem you want to practice in the Examples section. Click on the desired topic, and an example problem will appear in the calculator screen. Click the Show button to see the problem in its standard format or as a picture if applicable. Solve the problem and click Answer to see if you are right.

Quick Trig Facts

Pythagorean Theorem

\large c^2 = a^2 + b^2

Trig Ratios

\large \sin \theta \frac{opp}{hyp}

\large \cos \theta \frac{adj}{hyp}

\large \tan \theta \frac{opp}{adj}

Law of Sines

\large \frac {a}{\sin A} = \frac{b}{\sin B} = \frac{c}{\sin C}

Law of Cosines

\large c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab \cos C

Reference Triangles

trig references triangles

Trigonometry Tips

    • Know your formulas: Investing the time to learn the formulas, definitions, and patterns will definitely pay off. That way, when you approach a problem, you will have the tools you need in order to solve it. Otherwise, you may get confused, and your work can quickly digress into a jumbled mess. You can use memory tricks such as SOH CAH TOA to help you. SOH CAH TOA is a memory aid for the trig ratios. SOH stands for Sine = Opposite over Hypotenuse, COH means Cosine = Adjacent over Hypotenuse and TOA helps you remember that Tangent = Opposite over Adjacent.
    • Take your time: As you progress into more advanced studies of mathematics, the problems become longer and more involved. Don't let this intimidate you, and don't be in a hurry to get done. Carefully and methodically work through each problem step by step, and you'll eliminate a lot of careless errors.
    • Check your answers: It doesn't do much good to practice if you're practicing wrong, so check your answers to make sure you're on the right track. Our trig calculator will help you with your homework, but if you have time you also want to go back and check your answers on tests and quizzes. You'll be surprised how many mistakes you'll catch and how many points this will save you.
  • Identify your errors: Many students end up making the same mistakes over and over again because they don't pay attention to what went wrong when they miss a question. Mistakes are part of the learning process, but you have to identify and correct them. Every time you get a problem wrong, diligently search for your mistake and figure out what you should have done instead. If you can't find your error, ask a teacher or friend for help. Or, sign up for Mathway, which will show you the steps to solve any problem you enter into the calculator.

How to Use the Calculator

1. Enter the problem into the calculator either by starting with an example or by using the symbols.
2. Click the Show button next to Math Format to ensure that you have entered your problem correctly. If it looks wrong and you need more help, click the ? box next to the Enter Problem field.
3. Under the Select Topic dropdown, choose the correct option for the type of problem you are trying to solve.
4. Click Answer to view the answer.
5. In order to see the steps, sign up for Mathway.

Starting with an Example

Scroll through the topics to find the type of problem you want to check or practice. This will provide an example in the calculator so that you can see how it is formatted. You can then change the numbers or variables to fit the problem you are trying to check.

Trigonometry Calculator Symbol Guide

trigonometry-calculator-parentheses Parenthesis – They indicate multiplication or that the operation inside should be done first.

trigonometry-calculator-brackets Brackets – Use brackets if you need a parenthesis within parenthesis – The brackets go on the outside as seen in this example: [3 + 2(10 -1)] ÷ 7.

trigonometry-calculator-absolute-value Absolute Value – The absolute value tells how far away a number is from zero. It's always the same number but positive. For example, |3| is 3 and |-3| is also 3.

trigonometry-calculator-fractions Fractions – Type the numerator and denominator inside the parenthesis that will come up. To create a mixed number, delete the parenthesis and put a space between the whole number and the numerator of the fraction. For example, for 2¼ type 2 1/4.

trigonometry-calculator-exponents Exponents – Type the base before the ^ symbol and the exponent in parenthesis. For example, 5^(2) for 5^2. Remember that the exponent tells how many times the base is multiplied by itself.

trigonometry-calculator-subscripts Subscripts – Your variable goes outside the bracket and the subscript goes inside. For example, x 1 would be x[1].

trigonometry-calculator-square-root Square Roots – Type the radicand (the number inside the square root symbol) inside the parenthesis. Square roots find what number times itself equals the radicand. For example, the square root of 49 is 7 because 7 * 7 = 49.

trigonometry-calculator-other-roots Other Roots – Type the index after the √ symbol and the radicand inside the parenthesis. For example, use √3:(8) for \sqrt[3]{8}. Remember that a different index means that the answer must be multiplied by itself that many times to equal the radicand. In our \sqrt[3]{8} example, 2 * 2 * 2 = 8, so 2 would be the answer because 2 times itself 3 (the index) times is 8.

Note: If no index is given, it is assumed to be two and is just called a square root.

trigonometry-calculator-coordinates Coordinates – Type a coordinate as you normally would – such as (1,5).

trigonometry-calculator-greater-than-equal-to Greater than or equal to – If you need to use just the greater than sign ( > ), simply type it using your keyboard. (Hit shift then the period).

trigonometry-calculator-less-than-equal-to Less than or equal to – If you need to use just the greater than sign ( > ), simply type it using your keyboard. (Hit shift then the period).

trigonometry-calculator-functional-notation Functional Notation – Type functional notation as you normally would. Remember that f(x) is pronounced "f of x" and typically replaces y in an equation.

trigonometry-calculator-natural-logarithm Natural Logarithm – Type the number inside the parenthesis. Remember that a natural logarithm answers the following question: e to what power equals the given number? The constant e is approximately equal to 2.718.

trigonometry-calculator-logarithm Logarithm – Type the number inside the parenthesis. A logarithm with no subscript (such as the one seen here) answer the question "10 to what power equals the number given?" For example, the answer to log 100 is 2 because 10 to the 2nd power is 100.

trigonometry-calculator-logarithm-different-base Logarithm with a different base – Type the base (the small number) inside the brackets and the argument (the regularly sized number) inside parenthesis. For example, \log_{2}8 would be written as log[2](8). When you change the subscript number on a logarithm, you are changing the base. This example is asking the following: 2 to what power equals 8? The answer, of course, would be 3.

Note: If no subscript (base) is given, the base is assumed to be 10.

trigonometry-calculator-right-triangles Right Triangles – Enter the information you have within the brackets. Be sure to use the correct order, which is as follows: [angle, 90°, angle, leg, leg, hypotenuse]. Click Show to double-check that you have entered your information into the appropriate place.

trigonometry-calculator-sin Sine – Type the measure of the angle inside the parenthesis. The sine of an angle is the opposite over the hypotenuse.

trigonometry-calculator-cos Cosine – Cosine equals adjacent over hypotenuse.

trigonometry-calculator-tan Tangent – Tangent is opposite over adjacent.

trigonometry-calculator-sec Secant – Secant is the inverse of the cosine and is equal to hypotenuse over adjacent.

trigonometry-calculator-csc Cosecant – The cosecant is found by inverting the sine and is equal to hypotenuse over opposite.

trigonometry-calculator-cot Cotangent – The cotangent, the inverse of the tangent, is found by placing the adjacent over the opposite.

trigonometry-calculator-division-sign Division sign – For multiplication, use the asterisk button on your keyboard. (Hit shift then 8.)

trigonometry-calculator-pi Pi – Pi is a unique number that is found by dividing the circumference of any circle by its diameter. Pi is approximately equal to 3.14.

trigonometry-calculator-degrees Degrees – Use the degree symbol when needed to indicate degrees.

trigonometry-calculator-theta Theta – The Greek letter Theta is used in trigonometry to represent an unknown angle.

Find All Solutions Multiple Angles Calculator
